Kerry Power

Kerry Power

Office Admin


Meet Kerry Power, a dedicated educator now embarking on an exciting new chapter in real estate. With over 26 years of experience in teaching, Kerry has honed exceptional skills in communication, problem-solving, and relationship-building—key assets that are proving invaluable in the real estate industry.

Kerry has just completed her Certificate In Real Estate.  Organised, approachable and professional, Kerry has a reputation as a team member who consistently goes the extra distance to deliver results well above her clients expectations.

Kerry combines her passion for property management with exceptional skills to provide clients with a positive experience, she combines great empathy and people skills with an outstanding ability to negotiate and is known for providing consistent feedback to her landlord and tenants, ensuring all parties are kept well informed.

Kerry  enjoys the daily diversity of property management, meeting and dealing with so many different people and personalities and prides herself on her ability to quickly resolve a problem when they arise. Kerry is proud to be representing a premium brand with excellence, integrity and professionalism.